Join Us for our 150th anniversary season in 2024-25!

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Clíona Donnelly
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 9 Jul 2024

Open rehearsals, taster sessions and auditions for all the Belfast Philharmonic Society choirs are now confirmed and for more details, choose from the 'Adult Choir' or 'Youth Choirs' drop down menus above.

'The Phil' is celebrating its 150th anniversary during the 2024-25 season so it's a perfect time to join! 

The Belfast Philharmonic Adult and Youth Choirs performing Dvo?ák's Stabat Mater with the Ulster Orchestra in March 2024 in the Ulster Hall
The Belfast Philharmonic Adult and Youth Choirs performing with the Ulster Orchestra in March 2024 in the Ulster Hall.