Sponsor Belfast Philharmonic Society

 Belfast Philharmonic Society is a charity and only a small portion of our expenses are covered through grant funding. Financial and in-kind support enables us to develop our work through reaching new audiences, helping us to support professional artists performing alongside the choirs, and funding resources, equipment and experiences for our youth choirs.

For your organisation, supporting Belfast Philharmonic can provide benefits including tickets to events, recognition on our social media channels and event print, and options customised to you depending on sponsorship. It provides a way for your organisation to meet goals for supporting local communities and cultures, especially providing opportunities for young people to participate in making their own creative work and developing skills and friendships outside of school.

If you or your organisation would be interested in sponsoring the Society or some aspect of our work, please contact the General Manager Clíona Donnelly at manager@belfastphilharmonic.org.uk
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Copyright © 2024 Belfast Philharmonic Society